To learn to code as an adult can be quite the challenge, but as with many things, learning coding when you are a child is easier and comes more naturally. Computer science has become so popular with younger kids that many schools offer the class as elective or required education. There’s even a Computer Science Education Week to promote coding and encourage kids of all ages to try a one-hour tutorial, and you can send your kids off to programming summer camp. Code is all around us, and it’s not going anywhere.  

What Is Coding for Kids?

The internet is code; your mobile phone works thanks to coding. Coding is programming where you set up a series of actions so a computer can complete specific tasks. Code surrounds us. If you have a very inquisitive kid who’s into gadgets, you may have a future programmer on your hands. Coding for kids is a way for them to understand the complex structure more easily. There are drag-and-drop visuals on the computer that teach kids the fundamentals of programming. You can also find offline board games that show the principles of cause and effect. 

Why Teach Your Kids Coding?

Technology is not just the future anymore — it’s everything! Computer science is the fastest growing industry with a wealth of opportunities. While every kid wants the latest video game or won’t put phone apps away, you can explain to them how these things work to get them interested in coding. Participating in games that include coding offer many more skills to your kids than the trendiest video game. Put their screen time to good use!

Many great books teach your kids about computer programming and coding. We have many in our online shop. Computer Programming: Learn it, Try it! is part of a book series on understanding computing that will get your kids started in the world of coding.

computer programming learn it. BrightMinds toys

Educational and Fun

We love it when an activity is educational as well as fun. Computer science fits the bill and coding can be fun while helping your child develop creativity, as well as problem-solving and communication skills. When a child programs something and achieves the desired results, they gain a great sense of satisfaction and a boost to their confidence.

If you are curious if your children will be into coding, start them off with this Code Master programming logic game. It doesn’t require a computer and is fun for the whole family with sixty different logic puzzles to attempt. This game teaches the principles behind programming, but will also teach your kids about planning, sequential reasoning and how to solve problems. It’s a single-player game, but even kids as young as six years old have had success with a bit of parent help.

Improves Maths Skills

Coding is the language of maths. If your kids show a growing interest in maths and science or maybe they aren’t doing so well in their maths classes, start doing coding board games with them. Kids can get frustrated with maths because the concepts are so abstract and often not something they will ever use in real life. But coding produces results and solves real-life problems. It makes maths so much more satisfying and fun for children.

Good Job Opportunities

While worrying about your child’s future career is far off in the distance, it doesn’t hurt to take into consideration that, according to, 71% of all new STEM jobs are in computing. If it turns out that coding is something your kid enjoys, it’s not a bad idea to foster that interest and steer them towards high education in computer science. Not only are there plenty of jobs available in the field of computer science, but the jobs are also well paid. 

Coding games are popular with all ages. This double-sided coding board game requires planning and creative thought to program the route and cross the finish line of a variety of different environments. This is a great game to play with your young ones, ages 4 to 8, to see if it sparks an interest in coding. 

image of a doublesided coding. BrightMinds toys board game

Do you think it’s time to start coding with your kids? Have fun with it!

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